Survivor’s Knitwork Bracelets (REBLOG)

This is a fantastic idea! I may get knitting…


Here is another way you can link into Survivors Knitwork.

Silke who writes this excellent blog: and who set up has come up with a great new way to link in with Survivor’s Knitwork.

Silke's Bracelets

You can make a Survivor’s Knitwork friendship bracelet for you or anyone you think might like to be linked in with the project, including yourself 🙂 It just needs a few bits of thread or wool in purplish colours and a bit of know-how (I don’t know how yet!) Survivor’s Knitwork is about linking people together to raise awareness of child sexual abuse and sexual violence, working towards recovery and prevention. People can be involved in all kinds of ways, anonymously or in person. Perhaps you might come along to an event, or send in a square and you would like a tangible, physical link to the project, or know someone else who would…

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